If you suffered injuries at work during the civil unrest, you may think you're out of luck. That's not the case. Your employer might not have caused the injuries. But, you were at work when the injuries occurred. That means that you have the right to file a workers' compensation claim. It's important that you take steps to protect your claim. Here are four things you need to do if you suffered on-the-job injuries during a riot.
Get Help for Your Injuries
If you suffered injuries during the riots, the first thing you need to do is get help for your injuries. That includes both physical and emotional injuries. You may have already gone to the hospital for your physical injuries. But, if you haven't gotten help for your emotional trauma, you need to do that. You suffer potentially permanent emotional scars from the trauma. Make sure you receive the treatment you need for your workplace injuries. Seek medical care for your physical injuries. Seek counseling for your emotional injuries.
File a Report With Your Employer
If you received injuries on the job during the recent riots, file a report with your employer. If there's damage, your employer already knows that a violent incident took place. But, they may not realize that you suffered injuries or that you need to seek medical or psychological care for the injuries you sustained. Filing a report will ensure that your employer files the right insurance forms for you. It will also ensure that a workers' compensation claim is started on time.
Get Copies of Security Tapes
If you sustained on-the-job injuries during the recent unrest, get the proof you need. The best way to do that is to get copies of the security tapes. Those tapes provide evidence of the injuries you sustained. Most business owners have surveillance cameras installed in their buildings. Ask your employer for copies of their tapes. It's also important that you ask for copies of tapes from the surrounding shops. If your shopkeepers won't provide copies of the tapes, you may need to get an attorney involved.
Hire a Workers' Comp Attorney
Finally, if you've received injuries related to recent uprisings, hire an attorney. This type of on-the-job injury requires legal help. This is especially true if you need help getting the right documentation. Some of this documentation can include witness statements and video footage.
Don't take chances with your workers' compensation case. If you suffered on the job injuries during the recent unrest, get the help you need. This information will help you recover from your injuries.
To learn more, contact a resource like Prediletto, Halpin, Scharnikow & Nelson, P.S.