In the event you feel that someone else is significant enough of a threat to you that you could be harmed, there are specific actions you can take to protect yourself. A protective order, which is also called a restraining order in some places, is a legal order that makes it against the law for an individual to be in your vicinity. If an individual disregards this order, they can be arrested and may go to jail. While most people know what a protective order is, many struggle with deciding when they should talk to a protective order service to actually establish this legal arrangement. Here are a few signs it is time to do so.
You have been threatened by someone and you are afraid.
If someone is making threats to harm you, it is best to take out a protective order against them. Sometimes, people do make threats without ever intending to follow through with what they say. However, you never know when someone who is making threats could be capable of acting on them physically, and it is always better to err on the side of caution instead of hoping someone doesn't mean anything by what they say. For example, if someone is threatening to sexually assault you, murder you in your sleep, or beat you up, these are not things a normal person would even say, so they should be taken seriously.
You are being stalked by someone and fear they have ill intent.
Being stalked can be an alarming situation, especially if you suspect the person following you has ill intentions. If you catch onto the fact that you are being followed, watched, or otherwise stalked at work, in your home, or in your daily life, it is best to talk to a protective order attorney service for help. Stalking in itself is only illegal in some states, so just contacting the authorities may not always help negate what is happening to you. You may have to go a step further and take out a protective order against the stalker.
You are leaving an abusive relationship.
Without a doubt, the number-one reason people get a protective order is because they are leaving an abusive spouse or an abusive relationship. Leaving the relationship can often trigger a violent reaction from the person you are leaving, so it is sometimes best if you have the order in place either before you leave or as soon as you get out of the relationship and away from the other person.
For more information, talk to a lawyer like Roseline D. Feral Attorney at Law.