When you work on an oil rig, you know firsthand that the work can be grueling and potentially dangerous if you are not careful. Not only should you learn as much as you can about preventing oil rig injuries as you work every day, you should also learn what actions you can take if you do happen to get injured on the job. These points will be explained below, so that you can be better informed every day that you work on the oil rig.
#1: Make Safety And Injury Prevention Your Top Priority
Because injuries are so common on oil rigs, you will need to make safety your main priority. Oil rig injuries such as equipment wrecks, falls, and explosions are the most common and should be avoided at all costs. One way to avoid these injuries is to wear the right equipment. Never enter a worksite without your hard hat, goggles, gloves, and thick shoes with a lot of grip. Always make sure that you report potential hazards to the higher ups, so that the area can be blocked off and promptly fixed. You should always know which safety coordinator or OSHA compliance officer you can touch base with when you have an issue or need to file a claim. Knowing this information will empower you to avoid injuries to the best of your ability.
#2: Take Action If You Get Hurt On The Oil Rig
Oil rig injuries can still occur, even when you try your best to be safe. The first step you should take is to speak with a manager and an official in human resources so that your accident is documented. You will need to be seen by a medical professional for a complete physical, sometimes to include a physician approved by your company. Once you have completed a medical visit, it will also be in your interest to retain legal representation. There are a lot of personal injury attorneys who specialize in oil rig injuries, so get free an initial consultation to set the track for your case. An injury lawyer will not charge up front, but will usually operate on a contingency fee of 33 to 40 percent.
#3: Document Everything And Build Your Case
Even if your company goes through the proper channels and quickly pays you for your injuries, you should still document everything, in case you need a settlement or court trial. You will have a right to many different types of damages, including medical compensation, mental distress, loss of income and physical therapy. When you document every bit of proof that can prove these damages, your lawyer will easier be able to represent you.
Follow these three tips so you are aware of how to handle injuries on your oil rig job.